Well, that's wonderful and I have no problem with any of that. But what most of these teachings have left me thinking is that if I can do everything she does AND keep a pleasant attitude while doing it, then I have achieved the high mark of becoming the Virtuous Woman. (Applause, applause). But being a former corporate manager for all my career life (with a husband but no children), I found it somewhat difficult to relate to her. However, when I really began to study the scriptures and seek the Lord about how I can apply her principles to my personal life, the Holy Spirit began to show me a deeper side to this Godly woman.
We all know women who are good wives, good mothers, thrifty shoppers, kind-hearted, God-fearing, etc., etc. So why does the scripture ask "Who can find a virtuous woman," as if she is not as easy to find as we presume? I believe she is hard to find because everything she does comes from a pure heart whose sole purpose is to please God and not man. We're not saved by works. God is not pleased if we only do good works for outward appearances but our hearts are far from Him. God forbid if He would have to ever say to us "depart from me, ye worker of inquity, I never knew you." (Remember, He said this to the people who had performed many miracles, or works in His name.)
So, why another blog on The Virtuous Woman? This one is dedicated to her spirit; her heart for God. I truly believe that when the heart gets right, everything that flows from it will be pure and acceptable to and by God. Selah.